Questions I invite you to explore

How do you relate to people?

Who will you become?

How do you live meaningfully?

What moves you?

About Vital Kompass
Vital Kompass is a project that I created to promote therapeutic interventions both in individual therapy sessions and in group experiences. It offers tools to foster well-being, mental health, and social healing.
This project invites you to gently explore your mind, heart, and soul through creative thinking and sharing experiences. Vital Kompass enables compassion, joy, and quests for meaning.
Vital compass is an inner force that helps us connect meaningfully with our own journey in life, our experiences, aspirations and inspirations.
I first heard the term "vital compass" from Tatiana Grinfeld, a brave human being who was being treated for GvHD (Graft-versus-Host disease), after enduring years of treatment for leukaemia.
For a long time, she wanted her life to return to how it used to be. She finally understood and connected to her own "vital compass", which meant moving forward, cherishing the past, but living the present in the best possible way.
Tatiana was an astonishing inspiration for her family and friends.

To live a life with purpose, we need to know our depths, heal our wounds, tell our stories, share our visions, and engage in meaningful interactions with a conscious mind and an open heart.
Cris Ferraz Prade

Get in touch
Please click the buttons below to book a free 15-minute phone conversation, session, or activity.
I’m a psychologist and psychotherapist in London, UK, and I am a woman, daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, and immigrant.
I am a curious person and it inspires me to listen to people’s stories and their lives, making me form questions about awareness, freedom, culture, health, career, love, etc. This encourages and allows us to explore different realities.
The path of meaning, being and becoming
We create our lives based on the complexity of the interactions between inner and outer world. Our minds and our consciousness process these experiences and unless we are in touch with our emotions, feelings and thoughts in a gentle and respectful way, we cannot change as we desire.
This connection within us sets the direction for our vital compass and the path of meaning, being, and becoming.

"Mind Care Moments", as I like to call these meaningful messages.
Please subscribe via the form, so I can share them with you.

Awaken Your Vital Compass
To navigate our lives, we need a compass for our inner world, where we process thoughts and feelings, and the outer world, where we participate with others.